Talking deeply Exploring feelings Exploring memories Inviting new ideas and outlooks Listening to teachings together |
Mindfulness practices
Meditating Exploring consciousness Visualizations Movement Sharing of passages and poems |
Simple physical touch
Breema bodywork Art making Creative writing Ritual making and anything that feels intuitively useful |
Potential Benefits
+ Greater options within sessions means more ways to explore + Greater flexibility in the healing relationship can model possibilities for other responsible, mature relationships + Greater opportunity to improvise and co-create means that the healing path can be more personalized + Whole-self approach means all of you can be included How to benefit from these benefits + Explore with your spiritual counselor how you want + Include your spirituality and expressions of it + Cultivate the working relationship you want |
Potential Risks
+ Exposure to dogma that may not align with your beliefs + Lack of official oversight means that less skilled or scrupulous people may not be barred as quickly + Less chance of insurance coverage How to navigate potential risks + Ask questions and keep asking throughout the relationship + Ask for references and referrals; use the power of word of mouth to find the trusted practitioners of people who you personally trust + Tell friends and allies about the work you're doing; never isolate yourself in a relationship with any practitioner, licensed or not |